Setting your Vanity URL on Facebook

You've made the page, You've told your friends and family to "like" the page, and now you are ready to TELL people your url. Unfortunately facebook urls are not very attractive, with a long list of numbers, symbols, and letters. How can you get a snazzy url, like: 

Micklynn Creative: I like folders and office supplies.

But You Have to Draw a Line Somewhere.

I'm on the cusp of three years at my current job. I'm a creative. I have  organizational tendencies, but am not anal about it. (This introductory  sentence is pretty weird, huh?) What I'm saying it that I like folders  and office supplies. I like to use them to keep myself on track and to  make me feel good about myself.

I have a new office at work, and it is much more spacious. I feel really excited and motivated to start fresh and new. My biggest task with the move is weeding out the drawers of files that have accumulated over the 5 years that this position has been in existence. I  am not sure who, where, or why some of these documents require a folder,  but I'm also afraid of tossing something I will regret. In the past, I figure it is easier to push them to the back of the drawer, than to decide if they are worth it. However, with the excitement of the new space. I'm going to tackle this project!

Michael Day Benefit

Raising Money For The Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy

7th Annual Benefit Poster by Micklynn Designs
I am happy to work with this amazing family. Please read this article and let me know if you'd like more information on how you can help.

Hey All,
Hope this email finds all of you well in 2010! Our Michael Day Benefit is in full swing, so you know what that means…….ENCHILADAS J

I know that many of these fundraisers have gone around Wellington since last year, but this one is different than the others. Tudy has vowed to donate ALL proceeds made with this fundraiser entirely to our event. So, your money you spend on this wonderful food will be donated entirely to our cause!!

For those of you that need some background information: Michael Day was my brother and was afflicted with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He lost his battle with his disease in 2003 at the age of 21 and since then, we have held this benefit in his memory. To make the story even more personal, in 2005 we found out that my 7 year old son Ethan also has this same devastating disease. What started out as an event in memory of Michael, has turned into our HOPE for Ethan. We appreciate the support you all have given us over these last years!!